Plan for Lesson Delivery


1 Use organisation’s standards and values in conducting business
2 Question, through established communication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation
3 Ensure personal performance contributes to developing an
organisation which has integrity and credibility

Welcome Screen

Here is the link to welcome screen

Lecture, and Presentation

Lesson 2
Management Competencies and why they matter

Video playback

What is a project initiation document?

Time :  2:47min


A project initiation document of PID is a developed at the commencement of the project in order to communicate the key aspects for approval. The PID is often referred to by different names; project brief, project charter, project business case and a bunch of other titles. Yes in some cases they are different, so typically a PID is a larger version of a charter and may include the project’s plan. However the terminology is not specific and more often than not the terms are used interchangeably causing confusion. What really matters is that the document, whatever you want to call it contains the information required by the party who is providing approval, it also is specific enough to allow for high level direction and explanation of what the project is about and how it will be measured. As covered in the video, large complex projects may require large complex documentation, whilst smaller projects may not. Project Management is scale-able and we need to make sure that our processes can adapt to the nature of our projects. I always say, don’t change your project to suit your documentation, but change your documentation to suit your project.

Video playback


Link to Audio file:


Link to Webinar:

Link to Webinar here

Guided Virtual Class-room:

Link to Virtual Class-room here


Learning Guide:

Link to learning guide here

Case Study:

Link to Case Study here

Worked Example:

Link to Worked Example here


Link to Article here

Mind Map:

Link to Mind-Map here

Cheat Sheet:

Link to Cheat Sheet here


Link to Flow-Chart here

Learner Activities

Activity 1

Think about the values of the organisation you work for, one you have worked for in the past, or one you would like to work for.

  1. What are the values and core beliefs of the organisation based on their mission and vision statement?
  2. What are the unwritten values of the organisation?
  3. How do these values affect the level of customer service that clients are receiving?

Activity 2

In groups of 3 – 5, discuss the following case studies. You may also be asked to conduct this as a role play.

  1. You are the team leader of a group of 11 customer service representatives. You have found out that one team member, Anna confided a personal situation to another team member, Samantha. Samantha has since told a few team members and Anna has found out. She is very upset as she is being ridiculed by some of the team and does not want to come back to work. Some of the team are on Anna’s side, while others are on Samantha’s side. This has caused negative feeling within the team. People are not working well and this is impacting on team efforts. Anna is one of your best employees and you do not want to lose her, and Samantha is relatively new but shows a lot of promise. How are you going to deal with this situation?
  2. You are the team leader of a group of 11 customer service representatives. You have found out that one team member (one of the most popular in the group) has been speaking to customers about how much they hate their job and asked customers if they know of any other job roles. You are not sure this has actually happened as you have been told second-hand of this information. The person who told you said they overheard someone saying it had happened and has asked that you do not let anyone know they told you as they feel they will be treated badly by other team members if they find out. This is obviously causing ill feeling among customers and creating a negative impression of your company to your client base. How are you going to deal with this situation?

Activity 3

In groups of 2 – 3, discuss the following:

  1. What are the benefits to an organisation to have regular training for staff in areas related to ethical behaviour?
  2. Why do you think so many organisations do not provide training around this for their staff?
  3. How can your organisation ensure that the managers and leaders are displaying ethical behaviour at all times?
  4. What do you think are some of the major differences between a ‘true leader’ and a manager that just gives instruction?

The Quiz

Below are the Quizzes to improve engagement during session delivery.

Learning Games:

Link to Quiz/Learning Games that group can play here


Below are the set of questions to ask to your learners to gather their feedback to forum, this will generate and improve engagement.

Questions to ask:

Q 1 ……

Q 2 ……

Q 3 ……

Q 4 ……

Guided research:

Link to Guided Research here

Project work:

Link to Project Work here


Below are assessment events, or, activities to test knowledge.

Check with your trainer or go to the Student Portal  to confirm the due dates. 


This assessment is only available in pdf version. Please copy and paste the questions into your Word or Google Doc document. We have also provided a blank assessment coversheet that you can use. To use the cover sheet please download to your computer or Google Drive.


When saving your assessment the file name should follow the pattern below


Name_Student ID_Subject_Assessment Number


Please upload Assessment 1 in this section of the Google Classroom. To upload the assessment

  1. Click on the assessment icon (it will change colour), or click on ‘View Assignment’.
  2. Click on ‘+ Add or create’.
  3. Click on ‘File’ if you are uploading from your computer or ‘Google Drive’ if you are uploading from Google Drive.
  4. Locate your file and upload it.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 if you would like to upload more files.
  6. Click on ‘Hand In’.

Assessment – 1

Link to Assessment document

Assessment – 2

Link to Assessment document

Status update on LMS.

Find below are contents to publish.

Update – 1

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management p

Update – 2

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management programs included asking managers involved if the programs made a difference and what their team would look like without the programs; tracking succession; and monitoring how many people who participated in programs were promoted or put into new positions.

Update – 3

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management p

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