Workbook and Course Structure


…… see Session 1

Plan for Lesson Delivery


Point 1 Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits
Point 2 Negotiate project objectives, outcomes and benefits

Welcome Screen

Here is the link to welcome screen

Lecture, and Presentation

Key Points

  • Important terms to remember:

    1  …..
    2 …..
    3 …..

Video playback

Project Scope: Defining Objectives

Time :  5:48min

Defining scope is your most important initial deliverable as a project manager. The project objective is one of the first things you should define when developing a project scope.
In Episode 12 you’ll learn how to define specific realistic objectives for success!
Learn more about effective project management on our website:
Watch the others Episodes of “Project Management Made Easy” Course: Episode 13 “Project Scope: Defining Deliverables” Episode 11 “Client Management: Keep Your
Clients Up to Date” FREE Project
Management eBOOK for new project managers. DOWNLOAD HERE: Check out our project management Blog to learn more about the impact of planning on project success:

Video playback


Link to Audio file:


Link to Webinar:

Link to Webinar here

Guided Virtual Class-room:

Link to Virtual Class-room here


Learning Guide:

Link to learning guide here

Case Study:

Link to Case Study here

Worked Example:

Link to Worked Example here


Link to Article here

Mind Map:

Link to Mind-Map here

Cheat Sheet:

Link to Cheat Sheet here


Link to Flow-Chart here

Learner Activities

Below are the learner activities to conduct during session delivery.

Learning Games:

Link to learning Games here

The Quiz

Below are the Quizzes to improve engagement during session delivery.

Learning Games:

Link to Quiz/Learning Games that group can play here


Below are the set of questions to ask to your learners to gather their feedback to forum, this will generate and improve engagement.

Questions to ask:

Q 1 ……

Q 2 ……

Q 3 ……

Q 4 ……

Guided research:

Link to Guided Research here

Project work:

Link to Project Work here


Below are assessment events, or, activities to test knowledge.

Check with your trainer or go to the Student Portal  to confirm the due dates. 


This assessment is only available in pdf version. Please copy and paste the questions into your Word or Google Doc document. We have also provided a blank assessment coversheet that you can use. To use the cover sheet please download to your computer or Google Drive.


When saving your assessment the file name should follow the pattern below


Name_Student ID_Subject_Assessment Number


Please upload Assessment 1 in this section of the Google Classroom. To upload the assessment

  1. Click on the assessment icon (it will change colour), or click on ‘View Assignment’.
  2. Click on ‘+ Add or create’.
  3. Click on ‘File’ if you are uploading from your computer or ‘Google Drive’ if you are uploading from Google Drive.
  4. Locate your file and upload it.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 if you would like to upload more files.
  6. Click on ‘Hand In’.

Assessment – 1

Link to Assessment document

Assessment – 2

Link to Assessment document

Status update on LMS.

Find below are contents to publish.

Update – 1

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management p

Update – 2

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management programs included asking managers involved if the programs made a difference and what their team would look like without the programs; tracking succession; and monitoring how many people who participated in programs were promoted or put into new positions.

Update – 3

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management p

Contents for email

Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Email – 1

Subject: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Body: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Email – 2

Subject: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Body: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Email – 3

Subject: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Body: Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

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