Workbook and Course Structure


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake a straightforward project or a section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.

This unit applies to individuals who play a significant role in ensuring a project meets timelines, quality standards, budgetary limits and other requirements set for the project.

The unit does not apply to specialist project managers. For specialist project managers, the other units of competency in the project management field (BSBPMG) will be applicable.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Plan for Lesson Delivery


1 Access project scope and other relevant documentation
2 Define project stakeholders

[  ]  SLIDE- Shared Responsibility, respect, Trust and Openness, Two-Way street    [ 3 minutes]

[  ]  SLIDE- In-case-of Problem, see me on MS Team!    [ 3 minutes]

[  ]  SLIDE- Ice Breaker   [ 3-5 minutes]

[  ]  SLIDES- First-Lesson-Checklist  [ 10 minutes]– One time only

[  ]  SLIDES- Unpacking Unit Introduction   [ 10 minutes]– One time only

[  ]  SLIDES- Unpacking Moodle   [ 5 minutes] – One time only

—– 5 minute BREAK —– (40 minutes),

[  ]  Play Music – YouTube video

[  ]  SLIDE- YouTube Video- Subject Introduction   [ 5-10 minutes]

[  ]  SLIDE- Subject Main lecture-  [45-50 minutes]

[  ]  SLIDE- QUIZ/Google Form–  [3-5 minutes] Learner Activity

[  ]  SLIDES- Unpacking Assessment   [ 5-10 minutes] – One time only

[  ]  SLIDE- Forum Question–  [3-5 minutes] Forum Question

[  ]  SLIDE- What’s Next Week–  [3-5 minutes]

—– 65 minute —–

Total Session: 2 hours

Welcome Screen

Here is the link to welcome screen

First lesson checklist

Unpacking Unit Introduction

Unpacking Assessments Discussion

Lecture, and Presentation

What is project management? (SA)

Key Points

  • Important terms to remember:

    1  …..
    2 …..
    3 …..

Video playback

What is a project initiation document?

Time :  2:47min


A project initiation document of PID is a developed at the commencement of the project in order to communicate the key aspects for approval. The PID is often referred to by different names; project brief, project charter, project business case and a bunch of other titles. Yes in some cases they are different, so typically a PID is a larger version of a charter and may include the project’s plan. However the terminology is not specific and more often than not the terms are used interchangeably causing confusion. What really matters is that the document, whatever you want to call it contains the information required by the party who is providing approval, it also is specific enough to allow for high level direction and explanation of what the project is about and how it will be measured. As covered in the video, large complex projects may require large complex documentation, whilst smaller projects may not. Project Management is scale-able and we need to make sure that our processes can adapt to the nature of our projects. I always say, don’t change your project to suit your documentation, but change your documentation to suit your project.

Video playback


Link to Audio file:


Link to Webinar:

Link to Webinar here

Guided Virtual Class-room:

Link to Virtual Class-room here


Learning Guide:

Link to learning guide here

Case Study:

Link to Case Study here

Worked Example:

Link to Worked Example here


Link to Article here

Mind Map:

Link to Mind-Map here

Cheat Sheet:

Link to Cheat Sheet here


Link to Flow-Chart here

Learner Activities

Below are the learner activities to conduct during session delivery.

Learning Games:

Link to learning Games here

The Quiz

Below are the Quizzes to improve engagement during session delivery.

Learning Games:

Link to Quiz/Learning Games that group can play here


Below are the set of questions to ask to your learners to gather their feedback to forum, this will generate and improve engagement.

Questions to ask:

Q 1 ……

Q 2 ……

Q 3 ……

Q 4 ……

Guided research:

Link to Guided Research here

Project work:

Link to Project Work here


Below are assessment events, or, activities to test knowledge.

Check with your trainer or go to the Student Portal  to confirm the due dates. 


This assessment is only available in pdf version. Please copy and paste the questions into your Word or Google Doc document. We have also provided a blank assessment coversheet that you can use. To use the cover sheet please download to your computer or Google Drive.


When saving your assessment the file name should follow the pattern below


Name_Student ID_Subject_Assessment Number


Please upload Assessment 1 in this section of the Google Classroom. To upload the assessment

  1. Click on the assessment icon (it will change colour), or click on ‘View Assignment’.
  2. Click on ‘+ Add or create’.
  3. Click on ‘File’ if you are uploading from your computer or ‘Google Drive’ if you are uploading from Google Drive.
  4. Locate your file and upload it.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 if you would like to upload more files.
  6. Click on ‘Hand In’.

Assessment – 1

Link to Assessment document

Assessment – 2

Link to Assessment document

Status update on LMS.

Find below are contents to publish.

Update – 1

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management p

Update – 2

content for update is ……

Example…The future of talent management
Measures used by the experts interviewed to evaluate talent management programs included asking managers involved if the programs made a difference and what their team would look like without the programs; tracking succession; and monitoring how many people who participated in programs were promoted or put into new positions.

Update – 3

content for update is ……

Hi Guys

Great to see you all in today’s class.

we covered following;
Seek clarification from delegating authority of issues related to project and project parameters.
Identify limits of own responsibility and reporting requirements.
Clarify relationship of project to other projects and to the organisation’s objectives.
Determine and access available resources to undertake project.

Please find here link to the video recording of the session;

Hope this session captures the majority of the process.

We got to make the best of what we can.


Contents for email

Find below are email contents to send using an emailer.

Email – 1

GET READY FOR TERM 2 – BSBPMG522 undertake Project work

Hi Class,

Hope you are well

As you know, next week, it will begin as Week 1 of your further 8 Weeks Learning Program.

I have enjoyed getting to you know you all over the past few weeks and will continue to facilitate this unit of competency with you until our final class prior to 29th June 2020.

As we move towards connected learning, we will be predominantly communicating via Moodle and Adobe Connect Webinars. We may also explore using Teams and/or Skype for more interactive learning on some weeks. There is always email communication and phone, of course, and I am happy for you to contact me whichever way suits you best.

As per my email, the morning’s class will be a “live” Adobe Connect Webinar from 9 am onwards Tuesday -regular time). Please access this via the link provided ( ). If you are unable to log on @ 9am, I will save the recording to the session and provide a link on Moodle, so that you can access it when you find some time. Classes will continue to run from 9 am every Tuesday in accordance with your original timetable.

Our Moodle section pages for BSBPMG522 undertake Project work is not yet ready, I will publish/send you the link to your Moodle during this Tuesday class.

I will continue to populate this Moodle for you with Resources, Announcements, Assessment tasks and links for you to upload your assessments, so this should be your single point resource for all your BSBPMG522 needs.

Stay safe everyone, and hope to “see” you online later in the coming week.

Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Kind regards

Shekhar Bhutkar

Teacher – Technology & Business Services

M 0466 100 990


PS: It will be helpful for you to know that a range of support materials including FAQs are being progressively loaded onto the TAFE NSW webpage for students to directly access
1) If you are studying by Connected Learning, these checklists and guides will help you prepare.(
2) STUDYING VIA CONNECTED LEARNING? Find out more, visit this link (
3) NEED FURTHER SUPPORT? Call us on 131 601, Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM AEST


and I have taken over this unit from Peter Luedecke, who has originally assigned as your teacher.

As mentioned in my email, I requested a new Moodle for your class last week – in anticipation of moving to a distance learning model – but due to a backlog of requests from teachers, we are recycling the Moodle from S2 2019 (please excuse the heading, which I am unable to edit). Thanks to Head Teacher, Mark Mugridge, who has made this Moodle available for our class during these unusual times in which we find ourselves.

Email – 2


Welcome To your connected learning class.

Hold on for just a couple of minutes, your class is now due to start very shortly!

If you have any questions,I suggest note them down. Please do raise them at the end of the Q&A, or, during the later part of this session. Alternatively, you can also post them using forums on Moodle.

In case you miss your class, don’t panic, and don’t put yourself at a disadvantage. You can listen to the web-recording of this session, that way you can always get back on track!


-Shekhar Bhutkar-

[P.S].:Take your classroom with you on your mobile device. Download the Adobe Connect app today.

Email – 3


Hi [XXX]

This is Shekhar, I am your teacher at 360 Education and I noticed you didn’t attend your class on Thursday at 12:00 pm.

You started your Diploma in leadership because you wanted to improve your skills. You have already taken the hardest step when it comes to success and that’s starting. When you registered for your diploma you made the decision to enhance your skills and whether you are a beginner or experienced, there is always room for improvement.

Yesterday, you unfortunately missed your class.

Don’t panic, you can reschedule your class and get back on track!

Don’t put yourself at a disadvantage, reschedule your class now!

Kind regards,


Take your classroom with you. Download the app today.

Reply to this email, or get in touch with us at


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