1. What is Development?

The world we live in today is filled with immense inequality and poverty, and there has been a great need to foster social progress in order to protect the rights of all individuals. Development of a depoliticised public service is one way to ensure that no one is left behind, while also working towards the goal of sustainable and environmentally friendly development.

 “each person’s life should have equal worth no matter who they are or where they come from”- Medha Patkar

It is essential for us to strive for a society where everyone has access to basic human needs and rights.

In addition to addressing inequality, we must also consider how our actions impact the environment and sustainable development.

We need to focus on reducing emissions and waste generation, as well as protecting our resources for future generations. The goal is not only to reduce poverty but also to create an inclusive society where everyone has equal access to resources regardless of their current economic or social status.

This will require us to think beyond traditional development models in order to find solutions that promote sustainability while benefiting all members of society.

→ The Concept of Development?

→ Solving the economic Inequality puzzle

→ Development as a Social Progress?

→ The environment and sustainability?

→ Gender equality

→ An efficient public service and administration framework


In order for us to truly leave no one behind in this process it’s essential that all aspects such as gender equality, sustainability, eradication of poverty and environmental protection are taken into account and given due recognition through policy implementation measures.

→ What is the concept of Development?

This definition has multiple perspectives:

The concept of development is widely used in our day to day life as well as in literatures. The concept of development is nothing new. Though the meaning and perception of development is continuously changing, for example if getting electricity was termed as development earlier maybe getting satellite TV connection and internet connection is what you call development.

Humans have come a long way.From hunting our food, to growing it, to ordering it over the phone.Life has gotten easier and better for most of humanity.As we’ve built advanced societies with many people leading longer and healthier lives made even better by modern amenities.This process is called development.

The idea of development are related to the ideas of progress, of equality, justice, economic growth.

→ Solving the economic Inequality puzzle

Countries with high GDP per capita are considered richer and more developed, and countries with low GDP per capita are considered poorer and said to be developing.

Every country is unique, but there are some important conditions that are required for countries to really grow and sustain healthy economies.

First, there needs to be peace and stability. When people struggle to survive every day.It’s nearly impossible for them to go to work regularly and earn a living.

Second, populations need quality education.If people are able to read and do math, they are likely to be productive workers and savvy consumers.And increasing knowledge fosters innovation and helps spread new technology.

Third, people need access to capital.

→ Development as a Social Progress?

Development is often seen as the means to achieving social progress. But can we truly measure development in terms of progress for all, or is there something missing?

This question is especially important when it comes to building a public service without political influence, with the goal of leaving no one behind and ensuring equitable outcomes worldwide.

In order to achieve this, we must recognize the various forms of inequality that shape our societies today: inequality between genders, between social classes, and between countries.

→ The environment and sustainability?

In addition to addressing inequality, we must also consider how our actions impact the environment and sustainable development.

We need to focus on reducing emissions and waste generation, as well as protecting our resources for future generations. The goal is not only to reduce poverty but also to create an inclusive society where everyone has equal access to resources regardless of their current economic or social status.

This will require us to think beyond traditional development models in order to find solutions that promote sustainability while benefiting all members of society.

→ Gender equality

If we are truly committed to creating an equitable world for all people, gender equality should be at the forefront of any development efforts.

This means recognizing the unique challenges faced by women and other marginalized groups around the world and making sure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes affecting them directly.

We must ensure that all individuals are able to exercise their rights equally without fear of discrimination or violence.  Only then can we build a society based on inclusion and shared prosperity where everyone has an opportunity for success regardless of their gender or background.

→ An efficient public service and administration framework

A depoliticised public service could be an effective tool for addressing the issue of inequality, fostering gender equality, and eradicating poverty.

In addition to providing basic services like health care and education, such a system could be used to promote initiatives like employment protection laws and improved job opportunities.

This would help create more equitable economic conditions by allowing people from all backgrounds to benefit from better economic opportunities.

Furthermore, measures could be taken to ensure that the environment remains protected during development, thus ensuring sustainable growth in the long run.

“The true test of development lies in its ability to bridge existing gaps between communities” – Medha Patkar

In order for us to truly leave no one behind in this process it’s essential that all aspects such as gender equality, sustainability, eradication of poverty and environmental protection are taken into account and given due recognition through policy implementation measures.

Lifelong learner | Leadership, Management and Biz Skills Teacher | Student of life | performance optimiser | INDIAN AUSSIE | Curious soul |

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